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Chinese Praying Mantis Juvenile

Juveniles are typically L2 or L3, meaning they have molted once or twice.

The Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis) will, reach 3-5 inches when fully grown. It ranges in color from green to light brown. The Chinese mantis is probably the most common species of mantis used for garden pest control and is most commonly available in many parts of the country.

$ 0.00
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Carolina Praying Mantis Juvenile

These Juveniles are currently L2, meaning they have molted once so far.

The Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) will, reach 2 - 2.5 inches when fully grown. It ranges in color from green to light brown. The Carolina mantis is native to the United States and thrives in a large part of the country.

$ 0.00
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Heat Pack

For Shipment to high temperatures below 40°F.

$ 3.50
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